Spoiled by the geek

We hear all the time from web designers that they spend countless hours and resources trying to speed up their web pages' download time because they believe that people are turned off by slow-loading pages. It makes sense that a slow loading page is unusable. We know that if a page takes 2 hours to load,there are chances that people will abandon their tasks. But when does download time go from too slow to fast enough? What is the purpose of having the high speed broadband when all the time that you spend in surfing is just for browsing and facebook-ing? Does the speed really affecting our life?

Actually for what I've been thinking, and with some un-necessarily thought, loading time is just an excuse for a user to slowing down the progress of their task. The lazy-bones of them is making the brains not working/functioning very well indeed. If the user can't find what they want on a website, they will regard the site as slow and just a waste of time. But, when users successfully complete a project or task on a website, the will perceive their time there has been well spent.

Imagine if soon in the future, when the high speed broadband is really conquered the ideology of us in internet bandwidth, do you think it will be more effective towards us? well some of us, might find that this is very helpful, but maybe for the rest of us, this is just another excuse to delay our projects. Well, it is a fact! As for me, as a regular internet user, by the increasing of downloading time i find it is very distracting but considered as a entertaining distraction. Most of my time on the net will be wasting on streaming video and downloading entertaining stuff, less of the times will be purposely spend on the study research. Accept the fact, most of us are exactly the same, we're doing the same thing for almost the rest of our life, we care more about entertainment thingy less than an educational stuff.

There's is simply nothing we can do, the speed of the internet is very useful for us, but too much of good things can be a bad things.
We're moving forward with technology, it depends on us how to implement the technology. We can't terminated the technology but the least we can do, is cope with it, use it wisely.

ps; ignore my grammar please, and if the information that i tried to provoke doesnt wake you up, at least i hope you get my point. :)

This practically discussion was intentionally wrote because of the assignment on dm class, week 6. The subject is : human behavior.


  1. people will have more time to other not job-related activities i.e. games during loading time, social game like farmville to kill of waiting time. What's your opinion about this phenomenon? More time = less effective? the blurring of work and leisure?

  2. it is a disruption after all, if the certain period of time is purposely spend to do a research/task then it should not be interrupted with other things, but the fact is, entertainment is an addictive so as a normal user we cant avoid those things. 'To make ourselves productive we should be more responsible towards our time', it is a proven fiction, but like most of us know how to, haha.
