
This is the current setup for my 'theresynth' project. this is the so called prototype v0.1,
as you can see from the picture below .

And this is the video of trying out my theresynth v0.1 prototype. Still under development.


This is for the visualization of my projects. Im on the level of figuring out the visualization of my projects, I believe flash animation is the quite wise choice for me to use as a backbone programming/software for the the visualization thingy. Since i already explore the communication between arduino and flash via as3 glue; firmata is quite nice to learned and the operation doesn't gave me much head/heartache. So i guess im going to stick with those. This is the example of me trying the sensor and potentiometer, the as3glue server is connected with the arduino via comm port, will try to explaing more once i know how to elaborate this.(hehe)

Based on the video, for the analogIn channel; I placed the Sharp IR sensor as an input for Pin4, this is the sensor where i planned to imitate the function of theremin. As you can see on the video, the value is changed rapidly, this is because of the distance detection, I move my hand towards the sensor up and down, so you can see the value is changing, it is pretty accurate compare to the ultrasonic sensor, the one that i bought before. But the problem is, this sensor is not covering the value pretty exact, as you can see, the lowest it can go is 200 and the highest is 700. i will try to figure out this issue on the scripting, if have one.

for pin 0 - 3 i placed the potentiometer as the input. It pretty accurate, the value reading is sustain with the potentiometer as i twist it left and right, so far no problem for the pots, but i intend to change the potentiometer from 10k to 4.7k as i browse thru the arduino forum, for theremin purpose has been advised to use 4.7k pots since the output sources is less it should produce more clean sound. 2 cent.


Im browsing on he processing site, and as i passing through, i found out something that is really catch my eyes. Processingjs is something the are quite new to me, and i believe is a cooler way to develop a visualization for website.

Processing.js is the sister project of the popular Processing visual programming language, designed for the web. Processing.js makes your data visualizations, digital art, interactive animations, educational graphs, video games, etc. work using web standards and without any plug-ins. You write code using the Processing language, include it in your web page, and Processing.js does the rest. It's not magic, but almost.

This is the example where i find it is interesting and i believe if can alter the language and hack into my project it would so awesome, going to try it soon. Feel free to test it braah.\\

I cant put it on this post, so why dont you guys just click this :
don't forget to turn your speaker on, play with it.

For more great projects, just got to this website :

Digital Content/ Development pt.2

This entry is more likely to the part where i try the script that is included in the library.

This is the processing part, where i try to understand the language that has been used to project a synthdraw, i've found that the visualization is impressing if i can synchronize it with my synthesizer and replace the the cursor with my range sensor value. But first, I need to understand the script and try to make it communicate with the Arduino IDE using processing.

this is the video of processing the visualization using webcam as the sensory device.
You can see the different when the visualization bar color's tone is changing, it act that way because of the motion has been detected by the webcam.

and this is the plug in for processign that can be used to control the visualization background color, by doing so if this can be sync and communicate with my arduino board and the knob as the controller, i can control the visualization and the output sound together and make it sync smoothly. hopefully this is not impossible.

OK. Now is the SuperCollider part, i altered the script a bit, and make the mouse as the variable to take control the value of the output as it will produce a midi sound based on the mouse x movement. It quite nice for the first timer, i will try to improve my self for the prototyping stage.

The last part, this the flash file that i've found very interesting and cool. This was made purposely for the touch screen project, but i was thinking if can alter the script and make is communicate with arduino IDE it would be great for my project, i just need to have the script for synthesizer that can produce stand alone MIDI sound and find a plug in to make it communicate with swf. Going to do more research on this.

Digital Content/ Development

This is few of video sample that i considered as a lead to my project's visualization, the use of light trails, laser and photon bending graphic seems cool for me. I can barely used them to integrated with the midi sound and let it both sync and spar nicely, so the communication that are going to exist will be projected like super uber cool. 'hopefully'

A light trails graphic or in easy term to recognize is the laser visualization. The graphic presentation is set the audio wave, so intentionally with the tempo, rhythm of the sound has been alter the visualization will also get affected and stridently would create an art piece.

This is taken from mac's screen saver, i saw this visualization and my brains triggered that this would do too. The vibe of the music might not look really sync with the visualization but a credit goes to the inventor because the effort really shown to make sure the visual and audio goes accordingly smooth.

This is another great audio visualization example, the bit and the graphic really does the synchronization goes well. I'd like to see my project goes like this soon, hopefully.

Now, clearly i know what graphic and the type of visualization that's are needed as an output to my project. I should goes on by learning the application and study some of the script to make sure it will 100% works. Meet on the next post! :)

Organization pt.2

Ok, this is the continuous entry for the organization part. For my project, our lecture told us(delta2 student) to come up with the space planning diagram, or in an understanding word the floorchart. Since im not very well in 3D modelling, i'd decided to use google sketch up to design my floorchart, and to make it interesting i put it all together and make it a 2nd teaser video, its kinda lame but, this is all that i can come up with since my skills in 3d are really super uber noob. oho

3d rendered image

front view

rear view

right close-up

left close-up

And this is the video i made to with some label tag in the video to explain how the floorchart will be presented to the audience.


As one of the criteria for critique 1 is the organization. This is where the progress of my project will be shown in a formal structured ways. After squeezing the wits, re-brainstorming the project and re-check the budget, i've come to this conclusion.

This is my gantt chart for this current trimester, which for Final Year Project 2 and hopefully i will follow my own self schedule. harha

This is the new budget sheet for the FYP2, i've cut the cost here and there, and still manage to re-fix my pocket for some entertainment. Anyways, i managed to get my hand on most of the items on the list, but some of them i need to borrow from my faculty or i will just go straight to my internship place to pick up few things, such as projector and the imac(maybe).

The flowchart that im using is from the previous trimester, since im not changing anything major, so i'll just stick with the last flowchart.

General Flowchart about my installation

Finalize/Selected Proposal

Sound and Visualization

Creating a simple musical instrument that uses a range sensor to trigger sound samples. Players can create musical sounds capes by moving in front of the range sensor, which maps pitch to distance. This project was created using an Arduino board with a PING ultrasonic sensor as receiver and transmitted the signal to and audio library, which is particularly the ideation at the moment is to connect with the Minim sound library convert using Reason/Soundforge/Soundwave in processing the midi output sound. The output from the midi sound will be processed and converted into a visual play using a suitable application.

Problem Identification
Explore on how motion act in real space using ever-present technology around the community of end-user. Surrounding the action with some gimmick, users just need to pass-by in front of the sensor and strively the signal will detected the motion and transmitting the data to the component. The component will process the order and fabricate the midi sound. The more sound will be attached by detecting a motion/action from user.

Project Title
Theresynth – A combination of Theremin instrument and a synthesizer device.

Ideation & Concept
Create an installation that allows the specific targeted user to take the input role and deliberately form an experimental midi sound boon the tentative visualization as the output of the installation.

Aim & Objectives
- To evoke the alternative method of synthesizer by enhancing the existence device
- To explore and experiment with Theremin digital instrument create by
- To provoke the experimental emotion within the user and the computer

Create a project based on a micro controller board that will receive and transmit a sensor for input and will deliver a visual with audio as the output. A research and good understanding on Theremin and range sensor will give some idea to develop the platform. Preferable to help understand suitable programming language that need to be learned to make sure the communication between the subject is went well and work like charm.

Review, Analysis and Precedence Studies
Content Development -

Project's Poster

Presentation slides


My teaser

Content Development #5

This is the rendered video of my so called theresynth box, it is not completely finish yet, im going to altered it back later. and the name, is copyrighted somehow, so i've to change it later, going to use this as the teaser for my project.

done it using google sketch up and the rendered is not so clear and nice, will be using a proper video editing tools for the next teaser.
welcome any comment to improve my project.

Content Development #4

Circuit Diagram

My plan on how to connect the sensor to arduino based Fritizing. Fritzing is the simplest way for designer or developer who use arduino as their main subject for their project.
Very simple and easy to understand infact you can creat a schematic plan of arduino wiring system in just a minute without worrying about what might goes wrond if you choose to do it manually on photoshop.

screenshot for my breadboard plan

breadboard arduino + theremin + synthesizer 101

my schematic plan for the projects

schematic plan

sorry for the smaller image, for assessment purpose, you can view my fritzing file and download it here



fritzing website

Content Development #3


i ve done some experimentation and follow up few tutorial to test run my project.
first i run a test on rgb LED sequencer, this test was made using arduino and 1 RGB led.

this test is involving processing. quite nice and entertaining for me.

the next test is based on my sensory subject, at first im intended to use ultrasonic sensor but later on decide to use potentiometer to control the value.

the main reason why im replacing ultrasonic sensor with potentiometer meter is because, the ultrasonic sensor that i bought is not really accurate at all. The data reading from the sensor is doesn't make sense. I've few screenshot regarding this issue and will upload it later due to the picture is still in the camera and my camera is not with me right now(gf borrow it -.-'). So to make the test run, i've replacing it with potentiometer 10k, i know i suppose to replace it with another range finder sensor but due to not enough fund and time i still not manage to buy it tho. will going to buy them at nixie soon. *finger crossed*

orite the next test is about creating a sound from arduino IDE using arduino and piezzo speaker. Just like the old days, back in life's skills subject. the audio reminds me to my year back in secondary school.

the follow up test, im using potentiometer *again to replace my ultrasonic sensor to control the sound coming from arduino. This is where you can find the fundamental of synthesizer, in my actual project, there will be 4 pots and 1 range finder sensor.
will show the preview sketch later.

the last video is my test on SuperCollider. The scripting show on how to create a sound and together with stethoscope, as for me, with this simple scripting is still giving me hard time to understand on how to operate SuperCollider. I will do lots and lots of research about programming language in SuperCollider next.


Content Development #2

cont from previous


"SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state of the art, realtime sound synthesis serve"

in the simplest way, SuperCollider is working based scripting and programming language to create real time audio synthesis. It is the alternate ways to create midi sound.

I did some experiment with my arduino (check my above post) and what my ideas is, to connect arduino and SuperCollider via processing.

Arduino + IDE + SuperCollider via Processing = Midi Sound with Visualization.

orite it might be difficult to understand, even i have found myself really numb to understand what is actually happen. lets free your mind with the video that used SuperCollider to project the visualization and sync it with audio, hopefully you guys can understand. harhar

here another one.

ok, i was so amazing with the result of SuperCollider sync with processing, but still to figure it out by myself is quite difficult, the scripting and programming is really killing me tho.tsuk.

So i guess, using vvvv and max/msp is is quite decent rather than SuperCollider, since vvvv and max msp is involved with less scripting and quite easy to understand compare than SuperCollider and his scripting (duh) and another thing is, SuperCollider is actually is a Mac OSx based platform and as for me, i dont have mac pc or what so related, its quite difficult to understand the terms (another reason for me to buy mbp harhar).

This is the installation that made using SuperCollider and Processing.

Super Collider Official

Justification and Content Development.

Yo, i guess for now, my project's concept is already strengthen up (still guessing). I'm certain now, im going to develop/create a digital instrument based on theremin and i felt like enhanced the idea with the use of synthesizer. Add on, im going to project a visualization to implement the midi sound that coming from the synthesizer/theremin. Oh, and the main key for this project is using arduino. I'd always love to do some wiring and circuit diagram since my earlier days, back went 'Kemahiran Hidup' subject is still offered to me, i guess it was back on 2003. Sadly, later on after that, there's no subject i've taken offered me to do a project based on electricity and electronic stuff. So its time for me to explore it now.

example of arduino +theremin

As moving forward, i do a lots of research based on arduino and theremin. I've found out, it was so effing difficult and the research became too messy once i step in into the arduino world which is involved a lots of programming and processing, the scripting only is killing me. But in a positive ways, the project gave me a lots of benefit to improve my scripting knowledge. Well it's true, i hate scripting and such but, the project forcing me to learn all the stuff (but most of the time copy and paste is better than understand the scripting it self). Just want to keep blog with lots of words so i m going to start talk about crappy stuff and bla bla bla. haha. ok enough with me blabbering about the stuff that you don't really care, so let's move on to the next chapter.

As far as im concern, My project is a sound based project togetherness with audio visualization. I'm doing my part by start researching about the midi sound, arduino and its environment, and the plug in i need to make the projects work. Also, the software that needs to be integrated with arduino and its environment, which is processing value. There's a few programs that offered a function to keep up with arduino and such. As been advised to me, vvvv and max/msp is the best ways to visualize the data that i'll collect from the arduino board.

Max/Msp environmet.

vvvv environment

Beside these, i've found other interesting programs that are been used to do the audio visualization, which is by using SuperCollider. But the poor things is, this application involved lots of scripting but of course in a fun ways, and the result of SuperCollider was superbly amazing. I've tried few things about the SuperCollider and found out, actually it might be the direct way to create a digital music but the hardest part is well-known, the scripting and the communication of it which involved lots of plug-in, nevertheless to studies the program itself is fun! (but so stressed out when thing doesn't seem to work on your orders)

Aite i will be going to talk about SuperCollider and including the plan for may project floor plan (does this sound wrong? wtv), and some storyboard regarding my imagination device and cicuit diagram.


max/msp tutorial
vvvv website
Creating your own digital music
handmade music


General Flowchart about my installation

Detailed flowchart with issuing how the user communicate with my project and what is the outcome from the interactivity.

Basically that's how im going to project my installation on paper.
it's going to be difficult once i started out to build the actual project. *sigh

Budget Sheet

The approximate total cost of my project, but some of them i might not be able to afford it.
So just stick to the important stuff first, literally all my project stuff is not complete yet.
All the equipment is still under R&D stage, for example, the sensory subject. My Ultrasonic sensor is not working so well so i guess i should replace it with Sharp IR sensor and the use of 5k potentiometer is seems giving me trouble, my arduino is automatically turned off when the pots reaches the higher value, going to try with 10k later. Here is the budget sheet that i've plan for my project.

Hopefully i can manage to gather all the stuff i need for this project as soon as possible.
the next stage will get more crucial than all the critique i guess.
Please let me finish my project as smoothly as i can. *crossed finger*


Too much of SRI stuff for me, lots of words need to be done and my eyes are officially tired looking at those. As for my project stuff, i started out with planning my time and organizing my so called 'worksheet' which are only god knows how truthful i am following my own and only orders regarding 'time'(sigh..). Enough blabbering, I've been through lots of senior's blog and been surfing my tired eyes to search for the simplest way to create worksheet or gantt chart and to replaced the old ways for creating worksheet which is by using excel document. So the result come to Tom's planner. Haven't heard about it? make your way to here. It is the easiest way (for me) to create gantt chart, tom's also claim that there are the easiest planning tools compare than others (ms documents) and i tried it, indeed, the talks is true.

Ok, this is the screen shot of my worksheet;

The official link to my personal worksheet hehe.

I will try my best to follow the timeline. *hopefully*

Contextual / Discussion

The project's context

The lecture on context studies and themes on digital art has triggered me do an outline research based on my project. The lectures cover from historical context, education context, geographical context and others. So the assignment is to define what is the actual context that directly pointed to my projects. As i do my research, my project is about building a devices art (digital instrument + theremin based), so from my personal point, my project covered 3 context.

Historical context

- Theremin, a digital instrument that has been created by Leon theremin on 1920, a russin phycisict. The existing of this instrument already reached 80 years and can be considered as ancient by many.

Cultural context

-Has been used by many musician/composer as one of their main instrument to produce music.
-Can be consider as a cultural instrument to plays a music concert, for example one of the band's legend, Led Zeppelin, has used theremin as one of the main instrument in their live concert.
-Theremin also have a role on creating a movie soundtrack, for example to create a horror and spooky sound for horror movie.

Critical and theoretical context
-Many of young designer intend to create a similar project of digital instrument by implementing the theremin itself.
-Theremin has project and idea to create a do-it-yourself musical instrument and has been influenced many of independent and experimental developer to produce a low cost instrument by imitating an existing musical instrument.

Idea development/Critique 2 #5

Precedence studies/Additional research.

By browsing through and surfing much about devices art, I've found that it was really interesting for developer to build cool gadget by implementing their own ideas of being creative. Devices art, is broad subject to discuss, it has been covered by many independent artist and designer by creating/designing not only an audio based but whole lots more. Most of them are purposely create to imitate the existing gadget to make it more interesting and playful to be learned, for the fact, some of them are too subjective and the message is too deep to understand. The experimental idea of arts has discovered and interpreted from political to humanities context, its explain how creative the designer can be when the fun is being tolerated between experimental-ism and ancient ideology.

A typographic sequencer, an experimental performnace by Ashley John Pigford. Absolute genuine idea, transforming an alphabet to audio. He only used an electric bass guiter and played them sequentially to create and original musical composition accordingly to the thems 'electronics and musical images'. The based idea is to translates text into audio melodies. An outstanding performance by combining electric bass guitar(device) sync with the rhythm of the melodies to create such an experimental arts. I wish this is something that im going to produce from my project.

The one that catch my attention on devices art project/gadget or tools is a "midi synthesizer", gosh they were awesome! and since im doing a project on theremin concept i feel somehow it was connected to my idea of creating a digital instrument. Well of course the process of development is going to be hard and hectic for me to understand every single coding on processing stages, but at least i've been through my concept and sure what my project's purposes. haha sound a bit silly, but im going to try it!

this is some of the synthesizer that are really awesome.

To make it more interesting and to crossed out from typical digital instrument, i've been advised to implementing them by adding some visual interference. At first, my idea laid to visualize some human 3d facial for solfege plays, but as deeply brainstorming by many of ideas it feels like kinda numb and boring, the user might get too tense to experiment my project if they only produce a monotonous audio such as do re mi. The great idea i've been thinking now, is to replaces it with some midi sound and visualize it using a funky and electro visualization. There's a plenty of aduio visualization open sources programming that need to be consider and have to do a lots of research. Im going to experiment them, on critique 03 in content development stage. For now, from what i've been surfing and browsing, 'supercollider' is seems interesting and nice to be projected, example;

there's a lots more software that can produce a similar outcome like this, such as papervision, vvvv, and etc.

Inspirational discussion

Device Art: A New Form of Media Art from a Japanese Perspective

Device Art is a concept for re-examining art-science-technology relationships both from a contemporary and historical perspective in order to foreground a new aspect of media art. The term "Device Art" may sound obscure, or even self-contradictory, but it is a conscious choice. The concept is a logical extension of a change in the notion of art that already started in the early 20th century with art movements such as Dada and Surrealism. More recently, interactive art has redefined forms of art and the role of artists. What we call device art is a form of media art that integrates art and technology as well as design, entertainment, and popular culture. Instead of regarding technology as a mere tool serving the art, as it is commonly seen, we propose a model in which technology is at the core of artworks. As I will discuss later, the concept took shape on the basis of an analysis of works by contemporary Japanese media artists. Features surfacing in many of these projects include interaction, a positive attitude towards technology, and playfulness. The influence of Japanese cultural tradition can be clearly traced in these haracteristics. Another aspect of this work is the artists' involvement in fields such as design, entertainment, and commercial production, which becomes evident in the approach of internationally recognized artists such as Toshio Iwai, Nobumichi Tosa (Maywa Denki), and Kazuhiko Hachiya. This approach, which is often considered suspect from a Western point of view, is actually a natural part of Japanese art. A long history of visual culture that developed independently from Western paradigms of art plays an important role in the Japanese art scene, offering artists wider possibilities for bringing their concepts outside of the context of museums and galleries.

References : Japanese Media arts

My personal review
Device art is an interesting subject to the world of art, it is how you came out with something that are periodically rare and experimental but somehow is useful to the human environment or anything else that related to the world;subject. It is how you implement the world of art through physical computing, as for me, my project is literally based on the term of device art, creating a digital instrument

some example of device art.

The Bitman project by Maywa Denki represents the quintessential Device Art object.

Lebedev is a digital clock that displays time in phrases, encouraging users to think of time in more human terms.

Knockman by Maywa Denki, is part of a family of wind up toys that represent the "cute factor" in a lot of today's Device Art work in Japan.

Spore, by SWAMP (Studies of Work Atmospheres and Mass Production) - an art collective comprised of Douglas Easterly and Matt Kenyon, is a "self-sustaining ecosystem for a rubber tree plant purchased at Home Depot

references : devices art

Idea development/Critique 2

Conceptual Desigan Approach.

As been advised my lecturer, that my projects should not be weighing on the electrical/ electronic circuit stuff and i guess i should focus more on the design approach. I've been doing some research on the gadgets/devices art.

I've been amazed by the art of alternative musical interface, since its seems related to my project and the experimentation of the installation is logical and rational to me, i guess it's really catch my beats on this.


My research on alternative musical instrument lands on a study of hydraulophone.An instrument that work as a tonal acoustic instrument, its played by direct physical contact with water based. The sound is generated hydraulically. Basically it is an alternative instrument for trumpet or any woodwind based instrument, the different is, it using water as the main method to produce sound.

The first was created by professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto named Steve Mann.

this is the sample of the projects

from the installation we can really assume how experimental it is, combining a physic theory with some musical stuff. I wished my projects can be more like this and pleased the user with some inspired stuff.

Virtual Midi Theremin

This is another project by Ken Moore, he is visualized his vision to make a simple musical instrument.

This DIY instrument that inspired by theremin, and wiimote is been used as a platform. As for me this is something very related to my project, the set up of this project is affordable and its pretty exciting! The most awesome thing about this design is, it's not restricted to the sine wave sound of a traditional Theremin so the sonic possibilities are endless, and you can create your own sound or just attach your favourite midi and tune it your way, play like a professional theremin-ist.

Laser Harp

The most awesome-ness instrument ever build by just an arduino. The projection of this installation really gets me on my nerve and provokes me to use my Arduino to create a physical interface that affects the user environment and create a wow factor to them. I really wanted to do this kind of installation, I wished my arduino behave well and be kind to me, so I can give my best shot to do this(hopefully)

Idea development/Critique 2 #2

As for my project I intend to use Arduino as my physical interface platform for micro-controller (previous post), i already ordered the starting kits and finally got my arduino kits arrived at my place yeay! but there's still other stuff is not complete yet, going to order them soon (sensor and etc)

without due delay, I'm starting to experiment using the arduino with some basic tutorial which i found on the arduino website, so in a slightly trial, i manage to experiment few of the sample such as LED play and sensor experiment.

i.e; ultrasonice range sensor

the data value from the sensor

i've got some video that i record, but did not manage to upload yet. going to do it later.

Research/Critique 2

Léon Theremin

The Theremin digital instrument (it is?), was invented in 1920 by Russian physicist introduce as one of the world's first electronic digital instruments. It's the only instrument that is played without being touched and conducted using motion of the user. The proximity of the hands to the two antenna determines the pitch and volume of the sounds produced.

You've might be likely heard the eerie Theremin before - they became popular in those 1950's science fiction movie soundtracks that sound so cheesy today(even i just realized that)

While Theremins became a popular attraction, they remain pretty rare (I've only seen a Theremin on a site only, as also been heard for the first time). A new Theremin costs about USD$450, so I'm not likely to get one as a stocking stuffer, but luckily thanks to the arduino and the inspiration of sensor tracking with some references from the net, I've been able to create my own(with some push of luck, please god *crossing finger*)

For some guidance and to browse a type of theremin :

OK enough a briefly introduction about theremin, is not like im goin to tell the whole system of theremin, if so, i might just copy and paste and it doesn't seem likely im using my own interpretation. I hope your brain will capture the important subject here, which theremin - a digital instrument and played using hand gesture. :)

theremin info : (duhh there's on wiki dude)

Installation on physical computing

Physical computing

Physical computing - This is the subject that I really felt was interesting at first, and chill enough to use it as my projects platform. Essentially, physical Computing is an approach to learn on how humans can communicate through computers that starts by allowing the perception on how humans express themselves literally. For instance, we take the human body as a given, and attempt to design computing applications within the limits of its expression.

Typical personal computer is attached with devices such as keyboard, mouse, and monitor. But with physical computing many contents and expressions can be experienced from every aspect using a suitable platform to create the communication. But of course every pros has cons, the standardized input/output have limitation to create the interaction.

The development involved on how a computer converts the changes in energy given off by human bodies (in the form of sound, light, motion, and other forms - sensory) into changing electronic signals that it can read and interpret. The main brain to give the soul in physical computing and controlled the whole system is by using microcontrollers is the core intelligence that let the communication exists.

arduino NG microcontroller board

Microcontroller boards

“A microcontroller can be considered a self-contained system with a processor, memory and peripherals and can be used as an embedded system” wiki source.

It is subjected as a small computer system on a single integrated circuit, containing its own processor core, memory and programmable input/output. Complicated isn’t it? In the simple and understandable form, microcontroller is a complete mainboard/motherboard that you commonly seen in your personal computer, the intelligent parts is, it has build altogether in one board and its ten times small than your regular motherboard. The software that used to programmed the input/output is just like bios system but it’s been called IDE, or in simplest word, processing software.

There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms available for physical computing. Parallax Basic Stamp, Netmedia's BX-24, Phidgets, MIT's Handyboard, and many others offer similar functionality. As for my project I intend to use Arduino as my platform for microcontroller.

Some of the past senior is really exciting in elaborating the this arduino thingy. I will put it as my references : cheesehed