Not much changes since the last sheet, but few of the item listed are currently being finalize. Most of them are recognizable and the existence is certain. So don't bother to 'wow' this sheet, the project is not as expensive as others. I really cant afford to go beyond my budget, hence the funding is not so fancy. -.-'
Software used. Arduino IDE As3 glue library/firmata Adobe Flash cs4 Processing. Fritzing - Circuit Diagram Adobe Photoshop & Ilustrator - Graphic Adobe After Effect - Video Flash Decomplier.
This is for the visualization of my projects. Im on the level of figuring out the visualization of my projects, I believe flash animation is the quite wise choice for me to use as a backbone programming/software for the the visualization thingy. Since i already explore the communication between arduino and flash via as3 glue; firmata is quite nice to learned and the operation doesn't gave me much head/heartache. So i guess im going to stick with those. This is the example of me trying the sensor and potentiometer, the as3glue server is connected with the arduino via comm port, will try to explaing more once i know how to elaborate this.(hehe)
Based on the video, for the analogIn channel; I placed the Sharp IR sensor as an input for Pin4, this is the sensor where i planned to imitate the function of theremin. As you can see on the video, the value is changed rapidly, this is because of the distance detection, I move my hand towards the sensor up and down, so you can see the value is changing, it is pretty accurate compare to the ultrasonic sensor, the one that i bought before. But the problem is, this sensor is not covering the value pretty exact, as you can see, the lowest it can go is 200 and the highest is 700. i will try to figure out this issue on the scripting, if have one.
for pin 0 - 3 i placed the potentiometer as the input. It pretty accurate, the value reading is sustain with the potentiometer as i twist it left and right, so far no problem for the pots, but i intend to change the potentiometer from 10k to 4.7k as i browse thru the arduino forum, for theremin purpose has been advised to use 4.7k pots since the output sources is less it should produce more clean sound. 2 cent.
Im browsing on he processing site, and as i passing through, i found out something that is really catch my eyes. Processingjs is something the are quite new to me, and i believe is a cooler way to develop a visualization for website.
Processing.js is the sister project of the popular Processing visual programming language, designed for the web. Processing.js makes your data visualizations, digital art, interactive animations, educational graphs, video games, etc. work using web standards and without any plug-ins. You write code using the Processing language, include it in your web page, and Processing.js does the rest. It's not magic, but almost.
This is the example where i find it is interesting and i believe if can alter the language and hack into my project it would so awesome, going to try it soon. Feel free to test it braah.\\
I cant put it on this post, so why dont you guys just click this : don't forget to turn your speaker on, play with it.
This entry is more likely to the part where i try the script that is included in the library.
This is the processing part, where i try to understand the language that has been used to project a synthdraw, i've found that the visualization is impressing if i can synchronize it with my synthesizer and replace the the cursor with my range sensor value. But first, I need to understand the script and try to make it communicate with the Arduino IDE using processing.
this is the video of processing the visualization using webcam as the sensory device. You can see the different when the visualization bar color's tone is changing, it act that way because of the motion has been detected by the webcam.
and this is the plug in for processign that can be used to control the visualization background color, by doing so if this can be sync and communicate with my arduino board and the knob as the controller, i can control the visualization and the output sound together and make it sync smoothly. hopefully this is not impossible.
OK. Now is the SuperCollider part, i altered the script a bit, and make the mouse as the variable to take control the value of the output as it will produce a midi sound based on the mouse x movement. It quite nice for the first timer, i will try to improve my self for the prototyping stage.
The last part, this the flash file that i've found very interesting and cool. This was made purposely for the touch screen project, but i was thinking if can alter the script and make is communicate with arduino IDE it would be great for my project, i just need to have the script for synthesizer that can produce stand alone MIDI sound and find a plug in to make it communicate with swf. Going to do more research on this.
This is few of video sample that i considered as a lead to my project's visualization, the use of light trails, laser and photon bending graphic seems cool for me. I can barely used them to integrated with the midi sound and let it both sync and spar nicely, so the communication that are going to exist will be projected like super uber cool. 'hopefully'
A light trails graphic or in easy term to recognize is the laser visualization. The graphic presentation is set the audio wave, so intentionally with the tempo, rhythm of the sound has been alter the visualization will also get affected and stridently would create an art piece.
This is taken from mac's screen saver, i saw this visualization and my brains triggered that this would do too. The vibe of the music might not look really sync with the visualization but a credit goes to the inventor because the effort really shown to make sure the visual and audio goes accordingly smooth.
This is another great audio visualization example, the bit and the graphic really does the synchronization goes well. I'd like to see my project goes like this soon, hopefully.
Now, clearly i know what graphic and the type of visualization that's are needed as an output to my project. I should goes on by learning the application and study some of the script to make sure it will 100% works. Meet on the next post! :)
Ok, this is the continuous entry for the organization part. For my project, our lecture told us(delta2 student) to come up with the space planning diagram, or in an understanding word the floorchart. Since im not very well in 3D modelling, i'd decided to use google sketch up to design my floorchart, and to make it interesting i put it all together and make it a 2nd teaser video, its kinda lame but, this is all that i can come up with since my skills in 3d are really super uber noob. oho
3d rendered image
front view
rear view
right close-up
left close-up
And this is the video i made to with some label tag in the video to explain how the floorchart will be presented to the audience.